Access Bars

Access Bars is a technique within Access Consciousness that focuses on creating headspace. During a session, I will gently touch 32 specific points on your head. These points represent different aspects of your life, such as money, control, creativity, and more.

The touch on these points helps release stuck energy and limiting thoughts. This allows energy to flow more freely in the body, and you can experience more clarity. Access Bars is often used to reduce stress, promote inner peace, and support positive changes in life. It is intended to help you release limitations in life and experience a greater sense of well-being and possibilities.

Sounds vague? Honestly, I thought so too.

I had my bars 'run' for the first time in Ubud, Bali, and afterwards, the practitioner said, 'Your face looks different.' And it was true. I experienced a relaxation that I hadn't felt for so long that my face had taken on a different expression. And she wasn't the only one who noticed; my partner said the same. That did it for me. I was sold and learned how to run someone's bars myself. And now I'd love to do it for you.

Worst case, you'll feel like you've received a delightful relaxing massage. Best case, something fundamental shifts in the way you approach life.

Because I enjoy introducing as many people as possible to Access Bars, there's a special introductory price of € 55,- for a 45 minute session.


I am doing trainings and retreats abroad at the moment. So, unfortunately no access bars in Amsterdam right now. I still would love to get in touch with you about other possibilities like online breathwork and coaching

What is expected of me during an acces bars treatment?

Receiving a Bars session is very simple. All you need to do is lie down on the massage table. If you like, you can snuggle up with a blanket. Wearing comfy clothes is nice.

I'll run your bars by lightly touching the specific points on your head. You can just relax or even fall asleep if you wish. It's all perfectly fine.

Everyone experiences an Access Bars treatment differently. You might fall asleep, see colors, recall memories, or maybe nothing specific happens at all.

The less specific expectations you have, the more you can be surprised by the outcome.

The duration of the treatment is 45/60 or 90 minutes. It's nice if you can keep some extra time available so you can enjoy a nice cup of tea afterwards.

The address is Karel Doormanstraat 127 in Amsterdam West

What are the benefts of an access bars treatment?

Everyone experiences an Access Bars treatment differently. Worst case, you'll feel like you've received a delightful relaxing massage. Best case, something fundamental shifts in the way you approach life.

What people experience:

  • Deep relaxation
  • Headspace
  • Clarity and focus
  • Improved sleep
  • Development of positive thinking patterns

What are the costs of an access bars treatment?

There's an attractive introductory price. After that, you can choose from different lengths of treatment.

No worries. Every length of treatment will have an effect.

Access Bars treatment 45 min: €66,-

Super Access Bars Treatment 60 min: €77,-


If you come for the first time there is an introductory price of €55,- for a 45 minute session.